Kris Vallotton
Divorce and co-habiting have turned our world into a global orphanage. We live in the age of latch-key kids and absent parenting. Many people who are married grew up in such dysfunctional homes that they are desperate for simple life skills. Dan and Linda Wilson are an oasis in the desert of this devastation. Their organization, called Supernatural Marriage & Missions, trains and equips couples in the art of intimate relationships. Dan and Linda's presentation is humorous, relevant and powerful. Their life message is lived out in living color in their own marriage, which gives their ministry a depth of wisdom and impartation that is rare these days. I highly recommend them and their ministry to any church, organization or person that desires to develop a healthy relational culture in...

Patricia King
Dr. Dan and Linda Wilson have discovered the secret and enjoy an impressive marriage relationship together in the Lord. I adore the wonderful example and model they set for all of us. They honor, love, and respect each other as they walk together even though they are unique individuals, each beautifully designed to glorify the Lord. Their primary passion is to see couples CO-love, CO-honor, CO-labor, and CO-enjoy the fullness of all Christ has called them to be and do. This passion pours out to those they come in contact with.

James W. Goll
I had the joy and honor of being married to Michal Ann Goll for over 32 years before she graduated to her heavenly reward in the fall of 2008. We were more than a married couple who had the joy of parenting four great kids together. We were each other's best coaches, cheerleaders and partners in ministry taking the Good News around the world. Now it is other peoples turn to pick up that baton and run their leg of the race. That is what the Wilson's are doing...

Joan Hunter
I would like to recommend Dr. Dan and Linda Wilson. They are the most incredible couple I have ever met. The love they have for each another is immeasurable. They have written a book entitled 7 Secrets of a Supernatural Marriage. it is one of the most practical books on marriage I have ever read. They have a way of communicating the love they have for each other so that it motivates others to do the same. Lives have been changed and marriages renewed as a result of their ministering with me.