
Thank you for your Generosity

Through the message of the Gospel and the life-altering power of the Holy Spirit, Supernatural Marriage and Missions (SMM) uses your contributions to release the Love of God, share the Gospel Message, help people connect with the Holy Spirit, and see God’s Glory and Presence permeate both the individuals and societies they partner with. Daniel and Michelle endeavor to zealously co-labor with the Holy Spirit to bring lasting transformation and change to people and communities around the world that are broken, lost, and suffering by participating with organizations and churches to strengthen marriages and assisting them in providing for and ministering to orphans, widows, and abused wives (James 1:27). SMM is dedicated to being ultra-responsible and good stewards of all donated funds. We pray you will be blessed and refreshed as you joyfully give (Proverbs 11:25).

Financial Disclosure: Daniel and Michelle Wilson receive no salary or other form of financial remuneration for their work with Supernatural Marriage & Missions. We rely on ministry volunteers. SMM is certified by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donors will receive annual written verification so that contributed funds can be deducted from their personal income taxes to the extent allowed by federal law.

100% of all funds designated to the projects below will be given directly to the designated recipient organization. All other donations will be used in the general ministry fund.

Donate to supernatural marriage & missions

Donations – Linda Wilson Memorial Fund

Linda Wilson, the co-founder of Supernatural Marriage & Missions, passed through the veil into Heaven in 2022 due to the effects of bile duct cancer. Much of her time, energy, and prayer during the last 13 years of her life focused on providing aid and encouragement to orphans, widows, and wives who had been violently abused by their husbands. Donations given to this memorial fund are dedicated to helping these overlooked ones who have been shunned by society, but are dearly loved by God.

Donate to Linda Wilson Memorial Fund

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