The message of Supernatural Marriage is relevant worldwide. We have been blessed with the opportunity to teach this truth around the globe. People are the same in Kenya, China, Nepal, and the “uttermost parts of the earth. ” It is our experience that the people groups who are most hungry to hear the Good News may be isolated and impoverished but are often rich in love and good deeds. We want to take the message to them. Your donations enable us to go!
Supernatural Marriage & Missions uses contributions to strengthen marriages and assist orphans, widows, and abused wives throughout the world. Dan & Linda carry the love and truth of Jesus wherever they go, participating with organizations and churches in which they see the supernatural hand of God at work. This ministry is committed to being a good steward of all donated funds. It is our prayer that you will be blessed as you give.
Financial Disclosure: Dan and Linda Wilson receive no salary or other form of financial remuneration for their work with Supernatural Marriage Ministries. SMM relies on ministry volunteers. The ministry is certified by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donors will receive annual written verification so that contributed funds can be deducted from their personal income taxes to the extent allowed by federal law.
100% of all funds designated to the projects below will be given directly to the specified orphanage. All other donated funds will be used in SMM general ministry.
BIG NEWS! A matching grant has been given to bless Hope for the Children in China! Long story short, this sweet children’s home for special needs kids had to relocate. They are in the process of building but it has been painfully slow due to regulations, COVID, etc....
Amen and Amen Community Care Center
Pastors John Richard and Rose Mubiru oversee Amen & Amen Ministries on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda. They do marriage ministry all over this beautiful nation, plant village churches, lead a primary school, run an orphanage, and provide nutritional support for...
Hope Mission
This is a picture of Kristi from 2015 taken on one of our earlier trips to India. We first met her in 2012. At that time, she was the only girl living in a Hope Mission Children’s Home. Sweet, shy, smart Kristi is now a college graduate and working as an apprentice in...
Linda Wilson, co-founder of Supernatural Marriage & Missions in 2009 passed through the veil into Heaven in 2022 due to the effects of bile duct cancer. Much of her time, energy, and prayer during the last 13 years of her life was focused on providing aid and...