East Asia

Hope for the Children

Hope for the Children

Hope for the Children has been a safe, love-filled home for many kids in Eastern Asia through more than two decades. A high percentage of these children have physical and mental challenges. Some are even rescued, as babies, after being abandoned by their overwhelmed parents. In this peaceful and accepting home, these sweet little ones are gently raised in a way that provides a wonderful opportunity for their recovery and restoration. It is astonishing what true agape love can do to bless and heal these precious children in their time of dire need!

Supernatural Marriage & Missions had the opportunity to visit Hope for the Children for the first time in 2007. Since that time, we have been involved in supporting and encouraging this wonderful organization. During these years, more than 100 kids have been adopted internationally into forever homes where they can grow, mature, and thrive as they step into the blessings of family connection.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Romans 1:16 NIV

A beautiful new 20,000 square foot building has recently been completed. This well-constructed home provides the children and staff with a pleasant, clean, and expandable living space that all can enjoy for many years to come. We have inspected these facilities, worked with the excellent staff, and spent many hours of quality time playing with these amazing kids. 

It is a great joy that Supernatural Marriage & Missions has the opportunity to help care for, and be blessed by, these very special children. They are loved by Jesus, and precious in His sight!