

Hope Mission

Our ministry relationship with Hope Mission in Vijayawada, India, began in 2012 with an email from Pastor Emmanuel & Nissi asking if we would consider coming to their country to teach them about Supernatural Marriage. Soon after, The Holy Spirit spoke to us in a dream with an India woman pleading, “Come to my village. Come to my village!” Later that same year we had the privilege of leading a 3-day marriage conference, living with the kids at a Hope Mission Children’s Home, and getting to know the amazing leadership team of this impressive ministry organization.

Through the years, we have partnered with Hope Mission on many projects. Their multi-dimensional ministry focuses on sharing the wonderful love of Jesus through teaching, while showing His astonishing love to the poor by helping them in tangible ways. The following is a partial list of those being blessed by God through Hope Mission in 2024:

  • 670 children fed on a regular basis
  • 525 children receiving full-time care
  • 95 aged widows living in Hope Homes
  • 521 graduates from the Hope Mission Pastor Training School since 2006
  • 760 Daughters of Hope have received 1 year housing, rehabilitation, and job training after severe marital abuse and abandonment
  • 1134 Pastors licensed under the supervision of Hope Mission

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Romans 1:16 NIV

The history of Hope Mission reminds us of the Parable of the Minahs in Luke 19. As in the parable, the leadership and workers of Hope Mission have been faithful stewards of what God has given them. He continues to increase their responsibilities and opportunities as they consistently share the astonishing love of Jesus with those in need. They have taken up the torch, and have said “YES!!!” to being the hands and feet of Jesus to all the people God sends them. 

Your donations and prayer support are part of the “more” the faithful stewards of Hope Mission have received from Heaven. Thank you for joining us in helping God’s glorious kingdom grow rapidly in the beautiful nation of India!