
Torchgrab Africa


In response to James 1:27—to care for the orphans and the widows—Dr. Claudia Porter founded Torchgrab Africa in 2008. She “has been involved in Christian ministry, teaching, speaking, church planting, and pastoring for over 40 years! She has a passion to stir up people to love and service. Her vision is to be a catalyst for mobilizing, encouraging, and motivating God’s chosen people to a life of demonstrating—not just telling—the grace of Messiah to the entire world.”

Torchgrab Africa first founded Aggie’s Baby Home in Uganda, where they rescued over 70 abandoned babies. Today, Torchgrab Africa partners with Petra School on the Rock in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Petra School on the Rock was founded by Hellen Nguthiru, who started the school by teaching eight children, who lived in a rundown, metal shack in the slum.

 “Hellen is humble, wise, and a great servant of the Lord and to the children and people in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Her story begins with trusting God many years ago to begin a church and then a school, all with only her faith and confidence in her divine calling. Hellen’s great faith has resulted in many people being Born Again, by the Grace of God, and in being educated!”

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Romans 1:16 NIV

In 2018, God brought Hellen and Claudia together for a Kingdom partnership. There are now over 1,000 children from the Nairobi slums who are receiving a Christian education!

Torchgrab Africa and Petra School on the Rock are dedicated and resourceful communities who are committed to helping precious children out of the severe poverty they were born into through the power of the Gospel Message, sharing the Love of Jesus, and helping to provide a solid education. Torchgrab Africa is dedicated to changing the end of these children’s stories to THEIR story”—the story our Beloved Heavenly Father created them to live!

Supernatural Marriage & Missions is honored to be collaborating with Torchgrab Africa and Petra School on the Rock with an effective ministry devoted “to working together to share the gospel with the vulnerable communities of Nairobi, delivering support, love, education, and opportunities to the children in Kenya.”

Daniel and Michelle travel with Claudia and a team of dedicated workers to minister and teach in the slums in Nairobi. They love partnering with the Holy Spirit and the team to minister the Gospel in both word and deed. Whether it is teaching a VBS, science, sexual purity, or the Gospel message, painting the school, playing with the children, ministering in the churches, or bringing the Gospel and gifts of food to the residents in the slum, Daniel and Michelle truly believe they are partnering with a great work that will result in lasting change with eternal value.

To learn more about this amazing Kingdom Ministry, please click on this linkTorchgrab Africa.