My name is Rangadu. I work as a coolie. I had a brain stroke 3 years back. Due to the stroke, my mouth and my hand were paralyzed. I was not able to go to work. I was not able to talk properly. I came to the event with my grandson’s help and received prayer. From that day I was able to move my hand slightly. Now, after 3 months, my hand and my mouth are totally healed! Thank you for your prayers.
My name is V. S. I have 2 children. My husband and I have been living separately for one year due to some family conflicts. My neighbor told me to come to the marriage conference. She invited my husband also. When I heard the message, I felt that the sermon was for me only. After the conference, I was thinking of talking to my husband, but he came to me and said he was sorry for his behavior. I didn’t expect this from my husband! When we both went home, my kids and all my relatives were shocked to see us. Thank you for conducting such a good conference.
My name is Yanadulu. I used to sell bananas in the bus station to feed my wife and two daughters. We live in a roadside hut. Due to the Corona virus police told me that I could not sell. I felt helpless, and was very worried about how to feed my family. We were starving at home, and due to the lockdown, we couldn’t even go out. At that time, you came and gave me food supplies and a grocery packet. We were excited seeing them! We were able to use the groceries for many weeks. Thank you for saving our lives from hunger death.
My name is Kishore. I am an electrician. While doing the work my hand got a shock, and as a result my left hand was damaged. From that day on I have not been able to do my work properly. My wife took care of me, and her love towards me was incomparable. At that time, I was told there was a couple’s conference in the church. I attended the conference and it was not like we expected. We both participated in every event. I got a chance to express my love towards my wife. I poured out all my words, which made her very happy. Thank you for encouraging us with new ideas about marriage that have made our relationship strong!
My name is S. F. I work on a farm as a laborer. My left ear hasn’t been working properly for a long time. I could hear only with my right ear. The doctor in our area told that I should go to some corporate hospital. But, as we are poor, my husband told me to adjust to hearing with just one ear. Gradually my left ear got worse and worse. I became more and more worried about this. You placed your hands on my ears and prayed fervently for me. Though I could not understand the language, I could feel the meaning. Later, when I checked myself, I was now able to hear with both ears! Because of being shy, I didn’t give my testimony at that time. But now I want to tell everyone about the healing God gave me!
My name is Lakshmana. I am a daily wage worker. My son has been suffering with severe stomach pain for some time. I took him to many hospitals. This was of no use. Some of our neighbors suggested that I take him to someone for black magic, but this was also of no use. In that situation I heard about the crusade and attended the prayer with my son. I got prayed by the Wilsons. Miraculously, my son began to sweat so much that his shirt became wet. Since that night he has had no pain. It was a great miracle in our lives. Thank you for praying for us!
I am super excited about how the Lord is using y’all to stand in the Heavenlies for marriages! It is a passion of my heart that was born out of the enemy destroying my marriage.
I was excited to read that blog and share your post in the wake of several close friends whose marriages have been destroyed by adultery recently, a close friend struggling with homosexuality and her marriage being destroyed because of it. It makes me so mad that the enemy is stealing and making a mockery of the gift God has given! I want to see marriages healed and restored!
Keep fighting! I know that He created marriage. It was His idea. And He likes it! He is for marriages. He can restore marriages and is restoring marriages and wants to restore marriages. The deeper couples can go with Him the deeper they can go with each other in marriage and the deeper they can go with each other the deeper they can go with Him. It’s such a beautiful thing!!!
And it all leads up to the most beautiful marriage of all!!! See. I am pretty passionate about it!
Love y’all. Praying for y’all. Looking forward to your next book!!!
My name is Bhavani. I am from a Hindu family. I have been preparing for a government job entrance exam. I made three attempts already and failed the test each time. I was so much upset! My age is growing, and I will eventually be too old to qualify for these exams. Only one attempt remained for me.
At that time two brothers came to my house and invited me to crusade that many people were planning to attend. Without much interest I decided to attend the meeting. Through Daniel’s message about love I got hope and belief. I was also prayed for by the Wilsons. I believed that God would do a miracle! Soon after that night I took the exam for the final time, and passed! Then, to my surprise I was called for a job interview. I didn’t prepare for the interview but was able to do it very well. I was selected for the job. It was a great miracle in my life! Thank you for your prayers! I am attending church now, and am looking forward for water baptism.
My name is Aruna. I have been a devotee of Durga, believing that the Goddess will help me. My husband works in a factory as a coolie. He goes to work and takes good care of our family. One day my husband told me that he was having severe stomach pain. We went to the doctor, and he told that us there were ulcers in his stomach. In this situation he gave medicine and told that, if the pain persisted, he should undergo an operation. My husband used the medicine, but the pain didn’t go. So, we were planning to go to the hospital on Monday. My neighbor invited me to the crusade Saturday night and told me about the healings. I didn’t believe that if a person puts his hand on your head, healing will happen. But because of her force I came to the crusade. During the message by Daniel, my heart was filled with peace. My husband told me that after receiving prayer he had no pain. Till today there is no pain for him, and we didn’t even go to hospital. At first, I didn’t come to church. One night I saw a dream where I saw Jesus clearly. From that day I began going to church and I now give this testimony.
My name is Nagamalleswara. I have 3 children. My wife and I can’t stand on one side in any situation. If I say yes, she says no. When our pastor announced how to do the three-leg race I thought that we would surely fall down and all would laugh at us. But anyhow we started the race and came first. It was unbelievable for us! Then, we realized how successful we be when we work in coordination. Thank you for the revelation!
My name is Fakirayya. I am physically handicapped. I have no family and I am not able to work. I am a beggar in railway station for many years. Suddenly I didn’t find people in the station. The workers there told me that there was a COVID lockdown, and no one would be coming to station. I starved for 1 week. I only drank water and ate grass. I thought I would die out of hunger. At that time, you came with food in your packet. I ate it for 2 days. I thought again I should starve, but you again gave me the food. I am alive today only because of your God’s love. Thank you for giving me food throughout the lockdown.
My name is H. J. I am from a family that does not believe in Jesus. I heard about the conference and attended it. My wife is a diabetic patient. She would suddenly fall unconscious. I was worried about the future of my children. I took her to many hospitals, but it was of no use. With burdened heart I came to conference. When you prayed for my wife she got new strength. From the day of the conference, we have checked her sugar levels several times, but all of them are normal. Now I believe that Jesus is the only God.
G. T. has 2 daughters and works as a truck driver. He and his brother have had many conflicts regarding their father’s property. They both live in the same house. Every day they have been quarrelling about the property. Nobody has able to solve their problem. When Daniel prayed for him, he felt heavenly peace in his heart. Miraculously the other day his brother came to him and asked for forgiveness. Now their property problem is fully settled.
My name is S. N. I am 25 years old, and have had skin allergies since age 2 years old. Due to this problem, I have not been able to work outdoors in the sun. You hugged me with love and prayed for me. Within 2 days the skin allergy disappeared. Now, though I work in the sun there is no irritation for me. Thank you for the prayer!
My name is D. R. I am work as an attender in a school. I was married in the year 2005, but have had no children. Me and my wife have depressed so much. My friend in school invited me to the dedication service. When I came, the things Daniel said moved me. Later, my wife and I both received prayer. While they were praying for us my wife felt a flash of light. We believed there was power in the prayer. My wife didn’t get her period, and when she tested it was positive. But we didn’t believe because we wanted be sure by going to the doctor. The doctor scanned and told that she was pregnant. We were shocked hearing that and from now we are attending the church. Thank you for praying for us!
My name is Venkatesh, and I am a goldsmith. Every day before going to work I worship idols. In such situation, my shop was robbed. Robbers took away all the gold ornaments and went away. I was left with 5 lakhs ($7,000) debts. I didn’t know what to do. Our neighbors invited us to the meeting. I and my wife attended the meeting with so much agony and pain in our hearts. When we saw the Wilsons, I was wondered for their happiness. We both received prayer. Later the next week the police were able to identify the people who robbed me, and all the money and gold was recovered from them. I totally believe that Jesus is true God. Thank you for your prayers.
My name is Anitha. I have been married for 8 years. My husband is a daily wage worker. We did not have children yet, but he never complained about me not having kids. In that situation many of his relatives started asking my husband to get married to another woman. But he denied every time. At that point of time, we attended the Supernatural Marriage Conference. In that conference my husband gave the reasons why he loved me and expressed his love to me. The expression was so fresh like we are newly wedded couple. Now my heart is filled with joy. I have been relieved from the pain of having no kids.
My name is Govindamma. I am a widow, and live in a slum with four children. I used to work as a maid in a big house. Due to the Corona virus the owners told me not to come for work. I tried to convince the owners that I would take all safety measures at work, but they were not allow me to return. I insisted to him that if I could not work, me and my kids will starve and die. But He refused. I am a woman and I am not able to go on roads in search of food. We starved for three days without food. I saw you distributing essentials to the surrounding people in my area. I felt ashamed to ask you for food. But you came to me and gave the packets. At that time tears rolled on my face. Till that time I thought Jesus was not God for all. But, seeing the help I believed that Jesus is the only God. All these two months we are eating and praying in our hut.
K. J. is a neighbor who lives near our church. She was married seven years back and had no children. Her husband and mother-in-law blamed her for not having kids. She asked for prayer. You placed your hand on her stomach and prayed for her. The following month, she got a positive pregnancy test. Now, her entire family is attending church.
My name is R. M. My age is 60 years. I work as a farmer. During the sugar cane cutting on the farm my leg was injured. As I was a diabetic patient my leg didn’t recover. I was suffering the pain of this injury fir 15 days. When I came forward Daniel prayed for me, and within 3 days the injury was healed. It is only because of prayer. Thank you!
My name is V. S. I am a widow and a milk seller. I have three cows that are my source of income. One day, all three of them were missing! I cried a lot. I came to a church gathering and received prayer from the SMM team. The following day, all three cows came back home. Thank you for praying!
My name is D. V. I am studying intermediate. I have been addicted to all kinds of bad habits, but my parents don’t know. I got an infection due to adultery. I could not go to the hospital, or share this with anyone. At that time, I planned to commit suicide. Then, one of my friends took me to the crusade where I received prayer from the Wilsons. Within one week the infection was gone and I was healed completely. I began attending church from that week, but didn’t tell the testimony because everybody might think badly of me. Then, I saw Jesus in my dream and left all my bad habits. Now, without any shame, I give this testimony. Thank you for your valuable prayers!
My name is Hareesh. I completed my graduation, but I could not get a job. Due to my situation, I went into depression. I was not able to sit properly and concentrate on anything. My parents took me to hospital, but it was of no use. My father’s colleague took me to the crusade, where I received prayer. The moment you laid hands I felt a soft touch and peace of mind. Now I am in peace and also got good job! All my friends were shocked to see me. Thank you for your prayers.
My name is Harita. I am working in a company. My colleague cheated the company and took away much money. I was blamed for her crime. The manager removed me from the job and I was not given job anywhere. I had no job and I was suffering a lot at home. I came to the crusade with a burdened heart, and received prayer. The next week I got a phone call from the manager that the thief was caught and I could return to my job. Thank you for the prayers.
My name is N. For years I have done black magic and witchcraft. I threaten people and got money from them by telling them evil prophecies. For many years I have had no peace, and was fully occupied by demons. One time I even tried to commit suicide! In the month of January, I came to know about the Good News Festival. I disguised myself so that nobody could recognize me. I hid myself and sat in the meeting. When I heard about the love of Jesus has for me I felt peace. After being prayed for by the Wilsons, I left black magic and witchcraft. From that day till today I am attending church. I want to lead my life witnessing of God’s love. Thank you for this wonderful blessing!
My name is Nirmala. I am a coolie. During work I met with accident and lost my left hand. At the time of the accident the owner promised that he would provide some money for me. But, after one year had passed, he had given me no money. We tried many ways, but was of no use. I came to the crusade, and got prayed for by the SMM ministers. The next Sunday the owner came personally to my house and gave me the double amount he had promised! Thank you for the prayers!